Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Winter Spirit Week!

Winter Spirit Week- December 19th-23rd
Arctic Animal Day- We will make arctic animal masks and igloos!
Wacky Tacky Day- Dress wacky like Tacky the Penguin
Winter Sports Day- Wear sporty clothes
Pajama and Stuffed Animal Day
Winter Celebration

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hour of Code

Students will have a busy week this week learning, playing, and coding!  This is the official week of the Hour of Code.  During centers this week, students will spend time programming interactive animations, stories, and games using ScratchJr on the iPads.  As young children code with Scratch Jr, they learn how to create and express themselves with the computer, not just to interact with it. In the process, children learn to solve problems and design projects, and they develop sequencing skills that are foundational for later academic success. They also use math and language in a meaningful and motivating context, supporting the development of early-childhood numeracy and literacy. With ScratchJr, children aren't just learning to code, they are coding to learn.

Students will also practice coding on the coding Osmo app.  Students will control Awbie, a playful character who loves delicious strawberries. With each coding command, students guide Awbie on a wondrous tree-shaking, strawberry-munching adventure!

In addition, students will practice coding by exploring Ozobots.  Ozobots are smart robotic toys.  Students control Ozobot robots with OzoCodes by simply drawing lines and color segments.  

We will continue coding throughout the year with many different tools.  Click on any of the links above to learn more!  If families want to participate in the Hour of Code, there are many coding games/ activities on the Hour of Code website to explore.  

Happy Coding!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Book Fair on Thursday!

Dear Team Families,

Our class is going to the book fair this Thursday from 11:15-12:00.  You should have received a pamphlet in your child's backpack yesterday.  There are a few options you can choose from if you would like your child to purchase books.  They also sell pencils, erasers, and various small fun items.  
  • You can send in money in an envelope with your child's name on the front.  Please write if you would like your child to buy books only or if they can buy books and also a small item. (Students usually head to the fun items first.)
  • Parents can join us during our book fair time.
  • The book fair is also open Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00am to 6:00pm, Friday from 8:00am to 9:30pm (during movie night).  Families are welcome to bring their child before and after school or during movie night to purchase books with your child.  
Please let us know if you have any questions.  


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Important Dates 2016- 2017

Important Dates 2016-2017

3rd~ No School (Rosh Hashanah)
10th~ No School (Columbus Day)
11th~ No School
12th~ No School (Yom Kippur)

11th~ No School (Veteran’s Day)
23rd~ Early Release (12:00- No lunch served)
24th~ No School (Thanksgiving)
25th~ No School (Thanksgiving)

Week of 26th~ Holiday Break (Dec. 26th- January 2nd)

3rd~ Classes Resume
16th~ No School (Martin Luther King Day)

Week of 20th~ Winter Break (Feb. 20th- Feb. 24th)
27th~ Classes Resume


14th~ No School (Good Friday)
Week of 17th~ Spring Break (April 17th- April 21st)
24th~ Classes Resume

29th~ No School (Memorial Day)

7th~ Field Day
14th~ Field Day (Rain Date)
16th~ Tentative Last Day for Students (if there are no snow days)
*Wednesday Dismissal Schedule- Students leave at 1:50*

Team 15 Wish List Items

Team 15’s Wish List *Items will be added throughout the school year.*

  • Happy, Smiling Students
  • Parent Volunteers to help with copying, cutting, and laminating
  • Jumbo Popsicle Sticks
  • Recycled Materials for Projects, Creations, and Inventions
  • Cardboard Boxes
  • Duct Tape
  • Jump Ropes, Hula Hoops, and Balls for Recess (These always seem to get lost on the playground throughout the school year.
  • Velcro
  • Magnetic Tape or circles- If you see any on sale (see picture below)

Parent/ Teacher Conference Sign-Up

Click on the link below and sign-up for a conference today!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Letter Recognition Ideas for Home Practice

Letter Recognition Ideas for Home Practice

  • Start with the letters in their own name and the names of their classmates.  Also, they are very interested in the names of their family members as well. Point to the letters as you spell the names together.
  • Recite the ABC’s using a chart and a pointer.  Say it together.  Then have them say it without you as they point to the letters.  After a few weeks of pointing to the letters on the chart and saying their names, add the letter sounds as well so the chant was "AA a/a", "BB b/b" and so on.  When possible relate these to the children's names such as "BB b/b like Betty."
  • Climb the stairs- put a letter on each step. The child says each letter as they climb the stairs (can lay on floor if there are no stairs).  Say it first or put the same letter on each step until child has mastered a few.  Add a few at a time.
  • Give child a flash card and have him look for that letter (5-10 times) in the classified section of the paper or in a magazine.  Each time he finds the letter he circles it and says the letter.
  • Hide and Go Seek-  Hide the letters around the room when the child is busy elsewhere.  When child returns, have him find the letters one at a time and tell you what letter it is.  It’s fun if the letters you hide make a word he knows like hide the letters of his name, brother’s name, sister’s name, etc.  Can child correctly rearrange letters to spell the word?
  • If you have 2 sets of cards (or make an extra set), you can play Concentration. Choose several pairs of matching letters and spread them out face down on a table/floor.  As child turns over each letter, he must name them.  If they match, he wins them; if not, they are turned back over.
  • What's Missing - Child places 3-4 letters on the table, identifies letters, then closes eyes while parent removes one letter.  Child identifies missing letter.  Then parent closes eyes, and lets child remove a letter.

  • Make letters out of playdough.

  • Write the letters outside with sidewalk chalk.  Have your child jump the alphabet.  When your child lands on a letter, have them name the letter.  Child can also say the sound.
  • Make ABC puzzles available to them.  Have them SAY the alphabet while pointing to (or tracing) the letters on the puzzle.
  • Paint letters on the cement/ blacktop with water.
  • Find focus letters in magazines and newspapers, cut them out and sort them on a graph of two or three letters.
  • Make letters out of pretzels, twizzlers, gummy worms, sour snakes, and other long skinny candies.  
  • Help choose items you are buying at the grocery store given a hint such as "Get the can that is silver and has a word that starts with C" (carrots).
  • Let them sort the cans in your pantry by initial letter and alphabetize it!
  • Sing silly songs where you start every word with the focus letter; then sing the tune just saying the name of the letter over and over.
EX:  Bary bad a bittle bamb, bittle bamb, bittle, bamb.
Bary, bad a bittle bamb. Its bleece
was bite as bow.  B,b,b,b,b,b,b,  b,b,b,   b,b,b ......
  • Play rhyming games such as "I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with cat and
begins with b (bat)
  • Play deletion games such as "What is cart without the /c/?" (art)   "What is
bark without the /k/?" (bar)
  • Read, read, read to them! (especially ABC books)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Team 15 Wish LIst

Team 15’s Wish List *Items will be added throughout the school year.*

  • Happy, Smiling Students
  • Recycled Materials for Projects, Creations, and Inventions
  • Cardboard Boxes
  • Duct Tape
  • Jump Ropes, Hula Hoops, and Balls for Recess (These always seem to get lost on the playground throughout the school year.
  • Velcro
  • Magnetic Tape or circles- If you see any on sale (see picture below)

Caine's Arcade~ Global Cardboard Challenge Videos

Sink or Float Video

Cardboard Boxes/ Duct Tape/ Recycables


Dear Families,

The kindergarten team has several exciting projects coming up!   We are in need of recyclable materials to make these projects a success.  Please save the following items when you recycle and send them in with your child.

  • Paper towel rolls
  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Egg cartons
  • Plastic water bottles with tops (any plastic drink bottles)
  • Yogurt containers
  • Cardboard boxes (all sizes)
  • Milk cartons
  • Plastic cups (small, medium, and large)
  • Bottle caps
  • Wine corks
  • Tissue boxes
  • Plastic fruit containers
  • Cans (no sharp points)
  • Oatmeal containers

*If you have any other recyclable materials that you think would be good for projects, please send them in too.*

**Please donate any and all cardboard boxes you may have at home. We are also looking for families to donate lots of duct tape or other strong tape.  We will be doing the cardboard challenge next Thursday and Friday. More information coming soon.**

Thank you!

Susan & Stephanie

Monday, September 12, 2016

Picture Albums

Pictures~ Click on the links and Enjoy!

Movement Break Songs


GoNoodle is a free online site that has over a 100 songs and videos to get students moving and active. Team 15 has a class account and we use it everyday to end our morning meeting.  This is a fun and engaging site that students LOVE!  Classes choose a champion and it grows bigger and bigger after each video we do.  After so many, we get to choose a new class champion.  This has been a huge hit already with the students!  Families have the option of creating an account at home.  I will send out the information on how you can do this is you would like to.

Click on the link below to learn more: