Friday, April 10, 2020

Shape Enrichment Project

Are you ready for a challenge?  Try to design a playground using only pattern blocks!  Click on the project to learn more.

Google Meet Dr. Seuss Read Alouds

Please join me on Tuesday and Thursday at 10:0am for virtual read alouds.  I'll be reading The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss on Tuesday.  Please have your child make a star in advance for a game we will play after the story.  

I'll be reading The Zax by Dr. Seuss  and  Too Many Daves by Dr. Seuss on Thursday morning at 10:00.  If you can't make it, click on the links and listen to the stories!  

Saturday, April 4, 2020

1 Fun Moment!

Please share your most fun moment this week for our movie!  Share only 1 fun moment!
Thank you!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Jokes for April Fools Day!

Jokes for April's Fools Day~  Can you guess what the answers are?  I will post the answers later today so check back in!

1. What do you call a dinosaur that's sleeping?  
A Dino-Snore.

2. Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
Because it felt crummy.

3. What animal is always at a baseball game?
A bat.

4. How do we know that the ocean is friendly?
It waves!

5. Why can’t Elsa have a balloon?
Because she will let it go.